Cálamo Guesthouse offers you the best tools to book your stay easily:
Cálamo Guesthouse offers a simple and practical system to facilitate the payment of bookings. At the end of the booking, in the last step, you will find the different payment options.
If you have any doubts you can check the date on the confirmation document that you will receive by email or you can contact us directly on 673 467 926.
If you are already staying at the hostel and you wish to extend your stay, you can do so by requesting it at reception and the current price will be maintained.
Cálamo GuestHouse offers its customers the easiest way to book, either online or by phone, so you will find the same prices and availability on www.calamoguesthouse.com as by phone.
Prices may vary through travel agencies, because they depend on the contracts in force with them. If you are looking for the price on the Internet, Cálamo GuestHouse guarantees you the best price online.
The prices and offers published on www.calamoguesthouse.com are for bookings in double rooms for 2 adults.
For Cálamo GuestHouse it is very important to protect the information of its customers, therefore, the security measures of our website www.calamoguesthouse.com guarantee the confidentiality of the data you enter at all times.
You can check the terms and conditions at the bottom of our website or in the last step of the booking process.
Once you confirm your booking through the website www.calamoguesthouse.com it is not necessary to call the hostel to inform your arrival, reception will automatically receive a copy of your booking with all the basic details.
On the day you travel, don’t forget your tickets, ID or passport and the booking confirmation you have received by email to hand it in at our establishment. If you have not received this document, do not hesitate to contact us on tel: 673 467 926.
Cálamo GuestHouse makes sure that everything is perfect when you arrive at the hostel, so the day of your Check-In you can enter the room from 12:00 hrs until 22:00 hrs.
If you expect to arrive before or after these hours, you can call or email us to let us know and we will inform you of the procedure, as we have an Early Check-In and Late Check-Out service free of charge. At the reception they can store your luggage until your room is ready while you take a walk around the city.
You can also leave your luggage at the establishment, free of charge, if you want to enjoy your stay in the city until late on the day of your departure. If you are going to arrive later than 22:00 hrs. Call: 673 467 926 and confirm your arrival time without any problem.
Depending on the size and location of the rooms you can have Queen, Double or Twin beds. Although we cannot guarantee one type of bed or the other for your booking, you can request in the comments that they take this into account and if there is a room available on your arrival, they will be happy to deliver it to you.
We have different agreements with taxi companies in the city, with charge, which allow us to guarantee the service when you need it, and where you require it. Tel: 673 467 926.
In the last step of booking your room at www.calamoguesthouse.com you will find a section where you can request the transfer service and write down your flight details. If you are already staying at the hostel, you can request it in person, by emailing hi@calamoguesthouse.com, or by calling 673 467 926.
Once you have requested the transfer and in case you have to make any changes or cancel your request, you must contact the hotel directly to discuss the changes tel: 673 467 926.
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